



Registration No. 106190

Unified Vietnam, Parachutist, May 24th, 1995, Michel Nr. 2701-2704; Four stamps with nominals of 400D, 2,000D, 3,000D and 9,000D were issued together in a sheetlet and with perforation…

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Alpine Roses

Registration No. 106200

Unified Vietnam, Alpine Roses, June 30th, 1995, Michel Nr. 2705-2710; Six stamps in nominals of 400D, 1,000D, 2,000D, 3,000D, 5,000D and 9,000D were issued in perforation 13 and…

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65 Years Women Union

Registration No. 106220

Unified Vietnam, 65 Years Women Union, July 26th, 1995, Michel Nr. 2715-2716; Two stamps in nominals of 400D and 3,000D were issued in perforation 13.25:13 were issued. Here…

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1995 Observances

Registration No. 106240

Unified Vietnam, 1995 Observances, August 14th, 1995, Michel Nr. 2718-2723; Six stamps in nominals of 400D (two stamps), 1,000D (two stamps) and 2,000D (two stamps) were issued in…

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Day the Stamp

Registration No. 106250

Unified Vietnam, Day the Stamp, August 15th, 1995, Michel Nr. 2724; A single stamp with a 4,000D nominal and in perforation 13:13.25 was issued. Here is a mint…

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Asian Attractions

Registration No. 106280

Unified Vietnam, Asian Attractions, September 6th, 1995, Michel Nr. 2733-2737; Five stamps in nominals of 400D, 3,000D, 4,000D, 5,000D and 6,000D were issued in perforation 13 and imperforate.…

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