


Total Solstice

Registration No. 106310

Unified Vietnam, Total Solstice, December 23rd, 1995, Michel Nr. 2743; A total solstice occurred in the South of Vietnam, especially in the towns of Phanthiet and Bao-Loc. A single…

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Prehistoric Animals

Registration No. 106360

Unified Vietnam, Prehistoric Animals, March 6th, 1996, Michel Nr. 2762-2766; Five stamps in nominals of 400D, 1,000D, 2,000D, 3,000D and 13,000D were issued in perforation 13 and imperforate.…

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Asia Games

Registration No. 106910

Unified Vietnam, Asia Games, July 13th, 1998, Michel Nr. 2935; A single stamp with a nominal of 2,000D was issued in perforation 13:13.25. Here is the mint stamp…

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