


40 Years Postal Union

Registration No. 104330

Unified Vietnam, 40 Years Postal Union, August 30th, 1987, Michel Nr. 1825-1826; Two stamps with nominals of 5D and 30D were issued in perforation 13. There are some…

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Registration No. 104340

Unified Vietnam, Monkeys, Septemer 23rd, 1987, Michel Nr. 1827-1830; Four stamps in nominals of 5D (two stamps), 15D and 40D were issued in perforation 12.5 and imperforate. Here…

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Army 1987

Registration No. 104345

Unified Vietnam, Army 1987; September 23rd, 1987, Michel Nr. M48; A single stamp with a 5D nominal was issued in perforation 11.0. The issuance of the stamp was…

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Humane Living

Registration No. 104350

Unified Vietnam, Humane Living, September 23rd, 1987, Michel Nr. 1831; A single stamp with a nominal of 5D and perforation 13 was issued. The sheet contained eight rows…

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Registration No. 104370

Unified Vietnam, Corals, October 30th, 1987, Michel Nr. 1837-1843; Seven stamps with nominals of 5D, 10D, 15D, 20D, 25D, 30D and 40D were issued in perforation 12:12.5 and…

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Peace Movement

Registration No. 104400

Unified Vietnam, Peace Movement, November 10th, 1987, Michel Nr. 1848; A single stamp with a 10D nominal and perforated 13 was issued. Here is the mint stamp. Mint…

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