North Vietnam, Orchids, January 10th, 1966; Michel Nr. 425-430; Another set issued to please topical collectors. Six stamps with the nominals of 12 xu (four stamps), 20 xu…
North Vietnam, Orchids, January 25th, 1976, Michel Nr. 841-842; Two stamps in the nominals of 6 xu and 12 xu were issued in perforation 11.0. Mint blocks of…
North Vietnam, Orchids, June 24th, 1976, Michel Nr. 857-864; Eight stamps in the nominals 12 xu (two stamps), 20 xu, 30 xu, 40 xu, 50 xu, 60 xu…
Unified Vietnam, Orchids, July 1977, Michel Nr. A917-918; Two stamps with nominals of 6 xu and 12 xu were issued in perforation 11.0. These stamps look very similar…
Unified Vietnam, Orchids, August 10th, 1979, Michel Nr. 1055-1062; Eight stamps with the nominals of 12 xu (two stamps), 20 xu, 30 xu, 40 xu, 50 xu, 60 xu…
Unified Vietnam, Orchids, March 28th, 1984, Michel Nr. 1425-1431; Seven stamps with nominals of 50xu (two stamps), 1D, 2D, 3d, 5d and 8D ere issued perforated 12.75 and…
South Vietnam, Orchids, August 18th, 1974, Michel Nr. SVN 569-571; Three stamps in nominals of 10D, 20D and 200D were issued in perforation 14.25:13.5. Here is the mint…