North Vietnam, Fish, September 10th, 1963, Michel Nr. 270-274; Five values were issued. 12 xu (3 stamps), 20 xu and 30 xu. The stamps were issued both perforated…
Unified Vietnam, Fish, August 1st, 1980, Michel Nr. 1111-1118; Eight stamps with the nominals of 12 xu (two stamps), 20 xu, 30 xu, 40 xu, 50 xu 60…
Unified Vietnam, Fish, June 29th, 1984, Michel Nr. 1453-1459; Seven stamps in nominals of 50xu (two stamps), 1D, 2D, 3D, 5D and 8D were issued in perforation 12.75…
Unified Vietnam, Fish, January 20th, 1988, Michel Nr. 1896-1902; Seven stamps with nominals of 5D, 10D, 15D, 20D, 25D, 30D and 40D were issued in perforation 12.75 and…