


Basket Works

Registration No. 106780

Unified Vietnam, Basket Works, January 1st, 1998, Michel Nr. 2889-2893; Five stamps in nominals of 400D (four stamps) and 2,000D were issued in perforation 13:13.5. Here is the…

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Registration No. 106830

Unified Vietnam, Bonsai, Mich 2nd, 1998, Michel Nr. 2901-2907, Block 117; Six stamps in nominals of 400D (three stamps), 4,000D, 6,000D and 10,000D were issued in perforation 13.13.25…

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The supposed Adulteress

Registration No. 106840

Unified Vietnam, The supposed Adulteress, April 2nd, 1998, Michel Nr. 2908-2913; Six stamps in nominals of 400D, 1,000D, 2,000D, 4,000D, 6,000D and 9,000D were issued together in a…

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Birds of Prey

Registration No. 106860

Unified Vietnam, Birds of Prey, May 4th, 1998, Michel Nr. 2917-2922; Six stamps in nominals of 400D (three stamps), 3,000D, 5,000D and 12,000D were issued in perforation 13…

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