



Registration No. 103670

Unified Vietnam, Fish, June 29th, 1984, Michel Nr. 1453-1459; Seven stamps in nominals of 50xu (two stamps), 1D, 2D, 3D, 5D and 8D were issued in perforation 12.75…

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Border Troops

Registration No. 103705

Unified Vietnam, Border Troops, August 30th, 1984, Michel Nr. M43; A single stamp with no nominal value and in perforation 10.75 was issued. The stamp is known in…

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Prehistoric Animals

Registration No. 103710

Unified Vietnam, Prehistoric Animals, September 15th, 1984, Michel Nr. 1479-1486; Eight stamps with nominals of 50xu (Two stamps), 1D (two stamps), 2D, 3D, 5D and 8D were issued…

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