


Historical Automobiles

Registration No. 103750

Unified Vietnam, Historical Automobiles, October 30th, 1984, Michel Nr. 1494-1500; seven stamps with nominals of 50xu (two stamps), 1D, 2D, 3D, 5D and 6D were issued in perforation…

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Vietnamese Painters

Registration No. 103780

Unified Vietnam, Vietnamese Painters, December 7th, 1984, Michel Nr. 1513-1518; Six stamps in nominals of 30xu, 50xu, 1D, 3D, 5D and 10D were issued in perforation 12 and…

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Army 1984

Registration No. 103805

Unified Vietnam, Army 1984, December 22nd, 1984, Michel Nr. M45; A single stamp without a nominal value was issued in perforation 10.75. There is a color variation known…

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Animals and Plants

Registration No. 103810

Unified Vietnam, Animals and Plants, December 1984, Michel Nr. 1529-1543; Fifteen stamp were issued in this definitive set wit nominals of 20xu, 30xu, 50xu (four stamps), 1D (four…

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