North Vietnam, Traditional Sports, October 25th, 1968, Michel Nr. 544-549; Six stamps in the nominals of 12 xu (three stamps), 30 xu, 40 xu and 50 xu were issued perforated 12.0 and imperforate.

Here is the mint perforated set.

Here is the mint imperforate set.

Here is a very rare letter featuring the entire imperforate set sent to Klewitz in April of 1969. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare. The overall franking amounted to 1.56 Dong which appears to be 4 xu short of the required tariff of 1.60 Dong for a registered express mail cover to West Germany however the postal clerk apparently did not notice and the letter hence passed without any assessment of postage due. Transit and Fulda arrival cancel on the reverse.

Very rare registered express mail sent to Klewitz in March of 1972. It carries pair of the 40 xu and one of the 50 xu stamps of the sport series. It also carried a pair of the 10 xu Pagaoda stamp issue and a 12 xu stamp of the domestic chicken series. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare. The overall postage of the letter amounted to 2.02 Dong which was most likely in excess of the required tariff of 1.60 Dong for a standard 20 gram registered express mail letter to West Germany.

Very rare registered express mail letter sent to Klewitz featuring the souvenir sheet from the first print run. Most of these souvenir sheets were collected mint. Very few of them were collected cancelled and as a result cancelled specimens are very rare. Souvenir on postally used cover hardly exist. The letter also featured imperforate stamps of the traditional sports and reforestation series. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare. The overall postage of the cover amounted to 1.66 Dong which only a tad above the required standard 20 gram registered express mail letter to West Germany (Tariff of 1.60 Dong). Fulda arrival cancel on the reverse.

Very rare registered express mail letter mailed to Klewitz in March of 1972. It features the first printing of the souvenir sheet. Most souvenir sheets were collected mint and souvenir sheets on postally used cover are almost unheard of. The letter also features the im-perforated 30 and 50 xu values of the traditional sports set. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are also very rare.  The overall postage of the letter amounted to 1.74 Dong which was slightly above the required tariff of 1.60 Dong. Hannover transit and Fulda arrival cancel on the reverse.

Very rare express mail letter sent to Klewitz in January of 1976. The letter carries the set plus some im-perforated stamps from the working elephants and traditional sports sets. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare. The overall postage of the letter amounted to 3.48 Dong which appears to be in excess of the required tariff of 1.50 Dong. Fulda arrival cancel on the reverse.

Registration Nr. 101610

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