Unified Vietnam, Sail Ships, January 10th, 1983, Michel Nr. 1285-1290; Six stamps in nominals of 30xu, 50xu, 1D, 3D, %D and 10D were issued in perforation 12.75 and imperforate.
Here are the First Day Covers featuring the complete perforated set.
For this set the Vietnamese Postal Authorities also produced so called de Luxe Sheetlets on shiny white thin cardboard. Here are the sheetlets.
Postal Authorities also produced an aerogramme with a 3D nominal that shows the design of the 10D stamp.
Mint the aerogramme is quite easy to find but that is another story postally used. Here is the aerogramme postally used together with the 10D in the same design and another 20D stamp for an overall postage of 33D.
Registered air mail letter sent from HCM City to Klewitz in Germany in August of 1985. The letter carries parts of the Bay of Ha Long stamp set plus stamps from the Sailing Ships set paying an overall postage of 56.1D. Green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter mailed from Nguyen Trai to Klewitz and featuring the entire perforated set plus other stamps and a free frank for 3.50D for an overall postage of 23.90D. Green Fulda custom cachet on front.
International air mail letter featuring the 5D Sail Ship value together with the 2D Bulgaria stamp paying an overall postage of 7D on this international letter sent to Czechoslovakia in September of 1993.
Registered letter featuring the entire Sail Sail set, the Wading Birds set and the Karl Marx set. Together with the red free frank for 5.60D the overall postage amounted to 35.90D. Green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Very rare air mail letters featuring both the perforated and imperforate Sail Ship set mailed from Quan 5 to Klewitz in June of 1984. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare. The postage for each letter amounted to 27.30D.
Air mail letter sent from Quan 5 (HCM City) to Klewitz in June of 1984. The letter features half of the imperforate Reptile set and stamps from the Sail Boat set for an overall postage of 27.30D. Imperfroate stamps on postally used cover are very rare.
Air mail letter sent from Quan 5 (HCM City) to Klewitz in June of 1984. The letter features the other half of the imperforate Reptile set and stamps from the Sail Boat set for an overall postage of 27.40D. Imperfroate stamps on postally used cover are very rare.
Registration Nr. 103330
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