Unified Vietnam, Fruits, October 12th, 1981, Michel Nr. 1179-1186; Eight stamps with the nominals of 20 xu (two stamps), 30 xu, 40 xu, 50 xu (two stamps), 60 xu and 1 Dong were issued in perforation 12 and im-perforated.

International air mail letter sent October 1983 from Ha Nam Ninh to Budapest, Hungary featuring four of the 50 xu Fruit stamps plus the 30 xu Communist Party stamp paying an overall postage of 2.30D.

Mixed franking of the 60xu Fruit stamps (2) together with stamps from the Soccer World Cup, Year of the Child, BulgariaAsia Games and 1978 Bird sets paying an overall postage of 6.20D on an international air mail letter sent in May of 1983 from Tan Dinh (a suburb of HCM City) to France.

Registered letter sent from Nguyen Trai to Klewitz in March of 1982. it bears half of the Fruit set plus multiple Days Telephony set for an overall postage of 7.76 Dong (including the red free frank for 5.2 Dong). Green Fulda custom cachet on front.

Registered letter sent from Nguyen Trai to Klewitz in March of 1982. it bears the other half of the Fruit set plus multiple Days Telephony set for an overall postage of 7.96 Dong (including the red free frank for 3.9 Dong). Green Fulda custom cachet on front.

Very rare air mail letter sent from Nguyen Trai to Klewitz in May of 1982. The letter carries  half of the im-perforated Fruit set plus other NVN stamps for an overall postage of 3.22 Dong.

Another very rare air mail letter sent from Nguyen Trai to Klewitz in May of 1982. The letter carries  the other half of the im-perforated Fruit set plus other NVN stamps for an overall postage of 3.20 Dong.

Registration Nr. 103100

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