Unified Vietnam, 90 Years Medical University Hanoi, November 20th, 1992, Michel Nr. 2485-2486; Two stamps in nominals of 200D and 5,000D were issued in perforation 13 and imperforate.

Here is the mint perforated set

and here the mint imperforate set in horizontal pairs

Single franking of the 200D value on a local letter setoff rom Lang Son to HCM City in February of 1993. Quan 5 transit and HCM City machine arrival cancel on the reverse.

Multiple franking of the 200D value (2) paying an overall postage of 400D on a domestic air mail letter (full contents preserved) sent in June of 1993 from Can Tho to HCM City. Binh Thanh transit and HCM City machine arrival cancel on the reverse.

This is very unusual registered printed matter mailing sent within HCM City in September of 1993. It carries the 1,000D Dong Da stamp plus the 200D Medical Highschool Hanoi stamp paying an overall postage of 1,200D. Very few printed matters are ever sent by registered mail and the editor challenges any other collector to find another sample of this rare postal history.

Registered air mail letter sent in August of 1983 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries the perforated and imperforate Medical University set plus stamps for an overall postage of 20,800D. Imperforate stamps on postally used letter are very rare.

Registered air mail letter sent in October of 1993 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries perforated South East Asian Architecture stamps plus stamps from the International Year of Space (imperforate)and Medical University Hanoi sets for an overall postage of 19,700D (including the red free frank for 900D). Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare.

Registered air mail letter sent in January of 1994 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries imperforate South East Asian Architecture stamps plus stamps from the Medical University Hanoi and Motorcycle racing sets for an overall postage of 18,400D. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare.

Registered air mail letter sent in January of 1994 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries imperforate South East Asian Architecture stamps plus stamps from the Medical University Hanoi and Motorcycle racing (some imperforate) sets for an overall postage of 19,500D. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare.

Registered air mail letter sent in June of 1994 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries the perforated Gladioli set plus stamps from the Medical University Hanoi and Telecommunication sets for an overall postage of 23,200D.

Registered air mail letter sent in August of 1994 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. Th letter carries imperforate Japanese Woodblock stamps plus stamps from the Medical University Hanoi (imperforate) and Telecommunication (imperforate) for an overall postage of 21,300D. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare. Baunatal arrival cancel on the reverse.

Registered air mail letter sent in February of 1995 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries three of the Pestilence Virus stamp plus stamps from the Medical University Hanoi, Saigon Post Office, Crocodiles and Discovery of America (stamp from souvenir-sheet) for an overall postage of 30,000D. Stamps from souvenir-sheets on postally used cover are very rare. Fulda arrival cancel on the reverse.

Rare registered express air mail letter sent in April of 1995 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz.  The letter carries the perforated and imperforate VIETSTAMPEX 95 sets plus stamps from the Wood Print , Salt Water Crabs and Medical University Hanoi sets for an overall postage of 31,800D (including the red free rank for 4,200D). Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare.

Registration Nr. 105630

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