Unified Vietnam, 10 Years Democratic Republic of Laos, December 2nd, 1985, Michel Nr. 1641-1642; Two stamps with nominals of 1D each were issued in perforation 11:10.75. The stamps were printed together in the same sheet. There were forty “yellow” stamps and 60 “red” stamps.
Here is the mint set
Strip of ten stamps each (only seven shown for technical reasons) that stems from the central part of the sheet where both values are attached to each other. The eight 2yellow” stamp shows that plate error “open O in KEO”, the fourth, fifth, ninth and tenth “yellow” stamps the plate error of “D in DOAN with flag”, the sixth “yellow” stamp the plate error of “parts of red flag missing”. The 4th lower row of “red” stamps shows the plate error of “D in DONG faulty and Y in KY damaged”.
Detailed scans of the affected areas
Mint strip of three of the red 1D stamp which lacks the orange printing run resulting in a green vs grey-brown color of the dancers skirt. Also the color of the country name VIETNAM is printed in light-blue instead of blue. Also the d that stands for Dong is “fat” in the first stamp, “narrow” in the second stamp and “crooked” in the third stamp.
Details of the affected areas
There are significant color variations on the “yellow” 1D stamp (Fields 6-9, 16-19 and 26-29). Here is a mint block of twelve stamps on which the base color is in fact yellow. Also the block shows plate errors as follows:
2nd stamp; red dot on the dove”
3rd stamp; d damaged
6th stamp; open O in KEO
7th stamp; slash on wing of dove
8th stamp; D in DOAN with flag
9th stamp; dove with two eyes
11th stamp; O in Doing thicker at bottom
Detailed scans of the affected areas
Here is a mint block of twelve 1S stamps in red-orange base color that stems from the same part of the sheet as the one above and hence shows the very same plate errors.
Mint block of four of the 1S stamp in yellow-orange base color on which the bottom two stamps show a different shape of the flag in the “1”. Also the left bottom stamp has a black dot in front of the “1”
Detailed scans of the affected areas
Mint block of six of the dark-red 1D stamp on which the bottom stamps all shows the plate error “navel on dancers belly”.
Detailed scan of the affected area
Mint block of four stamps on which the bottom right stamp shows the plate error of “elongated N in NUOC”. Note the passer cross on the left selvage.
Detailed scan of the affected area.
These stamps were not officially released imperforate however some imperforate trial proofs have come to market. Here is a block of six imperforate stamps.
Imperforate pair of the 1D value in yellow-orange base color on which the top stamp shows the plate error of “open O in KEO” and the bottom stamp the plate error of “O in DOANG thicker at bottom“.
Detailed scans of the affected areas
Imperforate mint block of four of the “red” 1D stamp (in finished design) that also shows the red printing phase of the 1D “yellow” stamp.
Mint block of four of the “yellow” 1D stamp on which only a very weak red blue and black printing phase is visible with significant passer-shifts.
Mint block of four of the “red” 1D stamp (imperforate) which shows a significant passer-shift of the black color towards the right.
Here is a mint block of a trial proof which shows the finished design of the “yellow” stamp plus an upside down printing of the second stamp in red base color (red color only).
Mint block of four of the “red” 1D stamp (only red printing phase) that also shows images of the “yellow” 1D stamp in finished design upside-down.
Mint block of four featuring two imperforate stamps of both stamps that also shows an upside down printing of the red color phase of the “yellow” stamp.
Imperforate sheetlet that shows the designs (but not the nominal value) of the Laos stamps (Michel Nr. 1641-1642) and the two stamps planned for the Le’Lo’i set. It is not quite clear what the purpose of the mixed sheetlet was.
Single franking of the yellow 1D stamp on a local letter sent from Ban Co (small post office) to Thuan Hai in May of 1986.
Multiple franking of the yellow 1D value on a local air mail letter sent to HCM City. Interesting transit cancel on the reverse that my be of military origin.
Multiple franking of the 1D value from the same correspondence sent in August of 1986 from Da Nang to HCM City. HCM City arrival cancel on the reverse.
Mixed ranking of the yellow 1D Laos stamp together with the 20D Reconstruction stamp paying an overall postage of 21D sent in July of 1986 from Chu Ouynh (small post office) to France.
Single franking of the red 1D Laos stamp on a local letter sent within HCM City in July of 1986.
Mixed franking of the 1D Laos stamp (7) together with the 10D Reconstruction stamp paying an overall postage of 17D on an international air mail letter sent from Hanoi to Switzerland in June of 1986. Note that all of the 1D stamps in front show the plater error “black belly button on dancers belly”.
Detailed scan of the affected area:
Mixed franking of the red Laos value together with the 1D Geological Research stamp paying an overall postage of 2D on a local letter sent from Thi Man to HCM City in February of 1986.
Mixed franking of the Laos set (4) together with stamps from the Reconstruction and National Assembly sets paying (together with the red free frank for 30D) an overall stage of 60D an an international registered air mail letter sent in July of 1986 from HCM City to Hong Kong. Note that all of the red 1D stamps in front show the plater error “black belly button on dancers belly”.
Multiple franking of the red 1D Laos stamp (7) paying an overall postage of 7D on an international letter sent to Czechoslovakia in August of 1986.
Mixed franking of the red 1D Laos stamps (13) in “stair-formation” on an international air mail letter together with the 50 xu National Assembly stamp for an overall postage of 13.5D sent in April of 1985 to the United States.
Mixed franking of the Democratic Republic of Laos set together with stamps from the Reconstruction and National Assembly its paying an overall postage of 36.50D on a registered international air mail letter sent from HCM City to Hong Son gin February of 1986. Note that the most right red 1D Laos stamp shows the plate error “broken Y in KY”. Error stamps on postally used cover are rare.
Registered air mail letter sent as a mixed currency franking in December of 1985 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter which features the Laos set (already denominated in new Dong) plus stamps from the Friendship Treaty, II. World War, Union Congress and Communist Party sets (all denominated in old Dong). The Communist Party stamps all show different color variations plus a mis-perforated stamp. The Vietnamese Government conducted a devaluation of the Dong on September 14th, 1985. This meant that all stamps issued prior to this date were only worth one tenth at the time of mailing. The overall postage hence amounted to 120.5 oD =12.05 nD. plus the Laos stamps (2D) and the red free frank for 9 nD or 23.05 nD. Fragment of the green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter sent as a mixed currency franking in December of 1985. The letter carries the Laos set (denominated in new Dong) and stamps from the Friendship Treaty, HCM Birthday, II. World War, Communist Party and Hanoi Liberation sets (denominated in old Dong). The Vietnamese Government conducted a devaluation of the Dong on September 14th, 1985. This meant that all stamps issued prior to this date were only worth one tenth at the time of mailing. The overall postage hence amounted to 208 oD =20.8 nD. plus stamps new Dong 2D and the red free frank for 9 nD or 31.8 nD. Fragment of the green Fulda custom cachet on front. There are also two of the military free frank issued in 1981 which was technically not valid for international postage but appears to have been accepted by the postal clerk nevertheless.
Registered air mail letter mailed as a mixed currency franking from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz in February of 1986. The letter carries attached pairs of the Laos set from the center of the sheet, stamps from the National Assembly, Geological Survey and Reconstruction sets (denominated in new Dong) plus stamps from the Ha Long and Union Congress sets (denominated in old Dong). The Vietnamese Government conducted a devaluation of the Dong on September 14th, 1985. This meant that all stamps issued prior to this date were only worth one tenth at the time of mailing. The overall postage hence amounted to 3.5 oD =0.35 nD. plus the stamps in new Dong (17D) and the red free frank for 7 nD or 24.35 nD. Fragment of the green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter sent as a mixed currency franking in February of 1986 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter which features the Laos set (already denominated in new Dong) plus stamps from the Friendship Treaty, IHa Long Bay, August Revolution, Hanoi Liberation and Communist Party sets (all denominated in old Dong). The Communist Party stamps all show different color variations plus a mis-perforated stamp. The Vietnamese Government conducted a devaluation of the Dong on September 14th, 1985. This meant that all stamps issued prior to this date were only worth one tenth at the time of mailing. The overall postage hence amounted to 121oD =12.1 nD. plus the Laos stamps (2D) and the red free frank for 9 nD or 23.1 nD. Fragment of the green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter sent as a mixed currency mailing in January of 1986 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries the Laos set, National Assembly stamps and two of the 10D Reconstruction stamps (which were already in new Dong) and the Socialist Republic set (denominated in old Dong). The 6xu stamps show the star in two sizes. The Vietnamese Government conducted a devaluation of the Dong on September 14th, 1985. This meant that all stamps issued prior to this date were only worth one tenth at the time of mailing. The overall postage hence amounted to 0.48 oD =0.05 nD. plus the stamps in new currency (23D) or 23.05 nD. Fragment of the green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter sent in January of 1986 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries multiple sets of the Laos stamps plus stamps from the Reconstruction, National Assembly and Geological Survey sets for an overall postage of 36.5D (including the red free frank for 3D). One of the yellow 1D Laos stamps shows the plate error of “open O in KEO”. Error stamps on postally used cover are very rare. Fragment of green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter sent as a mixed currency franking from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz in February of 1986. The letter contained stamps denominated in old Dong such as the Hanoi Liberation, Hai Phong Liberation, WW II and Independence stamps and stamps from the Laos, Reconstruction and Music Instrument sets denominated in new Dong. The 1D stamp are featured in both major color variations. The two WW II stamps are imperforate. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare. The Vietnamese Government conducted a devaluation of the Dong on September 14th, 1985. This meant that all stamps issued prior to this date were only worth one tenth at the time of mailing. The overall postage hence amounted to 11.62oD =1.16nD. plus stamps in new Dong (22D) and the red free frank for 7 nD or 30.16 nD. Fragment of the green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter sent as a mixed currency franking from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz in February of 1986. The letter contained stamps denominated in old Dong such as the Hanoi Liberation, WW II, Asian Games and Independence stamps and stamps from the Laos, Reconstruction, National Assembly and Music Instrument sets denominated in new Dong. The 1D Laos stamps are featured in the rare orange base color. The single WW II stamp is imperforate. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare. The Vietnamese Government conducted a devaluation of the Dong on September 14th, 1985. This meant that all stamps issued prior to this date were only worth one tenth at the time of mailing. The overall postage hence amounted to 5.12oD =0.51nD. plus stamps in new Dong (22.5D) and the red free frank for 6 nD or 29.01 nD. Fragment of the green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter sent in June of 1986 as a mixed currency franking from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries stamps from the Friendship Treaty, Peace Meeting and Hanoi Liberation sets still denominated in old Dong and stamps from the Laos, Reconstruction Dyke Works sets denominated in new Dong. The Laos stamp is present in bot major color variations. The Vietnamese Government conducted a devaluation of the Dong on September 14th, 1985. This meant that all stamps issued prior to this date were only worth one tenth at the time of mailing. The overall postage hence amounted to 79.5 oD =7.95 nD. plus stamps in new Dong (15D) and the red free frank for 10 nD or 32.95 nD. Fragment of the green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter sent in December of 1986 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries the perforated and imperforate Laos stamp sets plus stamps from the Reconstruction, Communist Party, Traditional Houses and Vietnamese Post sets for an overall postage of 402D (including the red free frank for 348D). Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare. Green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter sent in February of 1986 as a mixed currency franking from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries the entire perforated Musical Instrument set plus stamps from the Laos, Peoples Army, WW II, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia Friendship and Hai Phong Liberation sets. The pair of 4D WW II stamps are imperforate. Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare. The Musical Instrument and Laos set was already denominated in new Dong while the other stamps were denominated in old Dong. The Vietnamese Government conducted a devaluation of the Dong on September 14th, 1985. This meant that all stamps issued prior to this date were only worth one tenth at the time of mailing. The overall postage hence amounted to 12.12oD =1.21 nD. plus the stamps in new Dong (20D) for 21.21 nD. Fragment of the green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter sent as a mixed currency franking in February of 1986 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries the 50xu National Assembly stamp and stamps from the Laos sets that were already denominated in new Dong and stamps from the Hai Phong Liberation, Hanoi Liberation, Peace Meeting and Community Party sets that were denominated in old Dong. The Peace Meeting stamps are attached in different sizes and there are two different color tones of the 1D Laos stamp. The Vietnamese Government conducted a devaluation of the Dong on September 14th, 1985. This meant that all stamps issued prior to this date were only worth one tenth at the time of mailing. The overall postage hence amounted to 28 oD =2.8 nD. plus the stamps in new Dong (11.5D) plus the red free frank of 10 nD for 24.3 nD. Fragment of green Fulda custom cachet on front.
Registered air mail letter sent in May of 1986 as a mixed currency franking from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries a mix of stamps denominated in old Dong (Communist Party, Intercosmos) and new Dong (Laos, Reconstruction, Le’Lo’i). The Vietnamese Government conducted a devaluation of the Dong on September 14th, 1985. This meant that all stamps issued prior to this date were only worth one tenth at the time of mailing. The overall postage hence amounted to 1.84 oD =0.18 nD. plus the stamps in new Dong (15D) plus the red free frank for 23D for 39.84 nD. Fragment of green Fulda custom cachet on the reverse.
Registered air mail letter sent in May of 1987 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries half of the perforated Old Ship set plus stamps from the Laos (imperforate), Year of the Cat, Bronze Vessels and Reconstruction stamps for an overall postage of 363D (including the red free fall for 300D). Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare.
Registered air mail letter sent in May of 1987 from Ho Chi Minh City to Klewitz. The letter carries the other half of the perforated Old Ship set plus stamps from the Laos (imperforate), Year of the Cat, Bronze Vessels and Reconstruction stamps for an overall postage of 364D (including the red free frank for 280D). Imperforate stamps on postally used cover are very rare.
Registration Nr. 103950
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