
Passer Shift


Worker Militia

Registration No. 103170

Unified Vietnam, Worker Militia, April 22nd, 1982, Michel Nr. 1222; A single stamp with a perforation of 11 was officially issued. However, similar to what happened with Michel Nr.…

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World Communication Year

Registration No. 103520

Unified Vietnam, World Communication Year, November 1st, 1983, Michel Nr. 1381-1382; Two stamps, both with a 50xu nominal, were issued in perforation 10.75. After the Viet Minh issue…

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8. National Assembly

Registration No. 104250

Unified Vietnam, 8. National Assembly, April 12th, 1987, Michel Nr. 1783-1786; Four stamps in nominals of 10D, 20D, 30D and 50D were issued in perforation 11. These high…

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