Democratic Republic of Vietnam; November 1945/1946; Indochinese stamps with an overprint (Michel Nr. 1-12) After the United States dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th…
The exact date when the second series was issued is not featured in the catalogues. All they state is 1945/1946. The second series is philatelically more interesting as…
Sometimes stamps are offered in auctions that purport to have been prepared for the September 2nd, 1945 Independence Day. The stamps started to appear in the mid 1980’s…
in 1946 the Viet Minh began issuing overprints on Indochinese stamps that had little to do with postal necessities but were more focused on revenue generation. So the…
The fourth series of overprints served a very similar purpose to the third issue. It was basically a method to collect money from the population in general and…
While many Vietnam collectors are familiar with the extremely rare local Ho Chi Minh stamps issued in South Central Vietnam between 1950-1954, and those stamps (and their forgeries)…
After the French left North Vietnam following the Geneva Agreement that was finalized on July 21st, 1954 the Viet Minh Government under Ho Chi Minh entered Hanoi on…
After the currency reform which included devaluing it by a factor of 10 the old 100 and 200 Dong Ho Chi Minh values that were still readily available…
The second overprint issue stayed in circulation for over 18 months before the postal authorities issued a third overprint version that was designed to be even more legible…
North Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, Second Series issued in 1951 with overprint of new values, 1954-December, 1956 (Michel Nr. 53 a&b and D8-9); It appears a large quantities…