
Imperforated Stamps


Crop Plants

Registration No. 100680

North Vietnam, CropPlants, March 1st, 1962, Michel Nr. 196-200; Five values were issued in the nominals of 2 xu (extension value), 6 xu (intra-city letter rate), 12 xu…

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Folk Dances

Registration No. 100680

North Vietnam, Folk Dances, March 20th, 1962, Michel Nr. 201-204, Block 6; Four values with the nominals of 12 xu (two stamps), 30 xu and 50 xu were…

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Registration No. 100690

North Vietnam, Flowers, April 0th, 1962, Michel Nr. 206-210; Five values with the nominals of 12 xu (two stamps), 20 xu, 30 xu and 50 xu were issued.…

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Sluice of Dai Lai

Registration No. 100720

North Vietnam, Sluice of Lai Lai, May 25th, 1962, Michel Nr. 215; A single stamp in a a 12 xu nominal was issued  in perforation 11:0. Here is…

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Registration No. 100740

North Vietnam, Landscapes, August 14th, 1962, Michel Nr. 224-225; Two stamps, both with a 12 xu nominal, were issued. Perforation 11:0. Here is the official Xunhasaba stamp bulletin…

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National Heros

Registration No. 100760

North Vietnam, National heros, September 16-19th, 1962, Michel Nr. 227-230; Four stamps in the nominals of 3 xu (two stamps) and 12 xu (two stamps) were issued in…

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