
First Day Cover


90th Birthday of Lenin

Registration No. 100370

North Vietnam, 90th Birthday of Lenin, April 22nd, 1960, Michel Nr. 125-126, Block 1; Given the logistical and military support the Soviet Union gave to the North Vietnamese…

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3. National Women Congress

Registration No. 100490

North Vietnam, 3. National Women Congress, March 8th, 1961, Michel Nr. 152-153; This issue again underlines the importance of women in Vietnamese society. Given the severe depletion of…

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New Year Stamps

Registration No. 100660

North Vietnam, New Year Stamps, January 16th, 1962, Michel Nr. 192-193; The Chinese New Year was important for Vietnam due to the large number of ethnic Chinese population…

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Crop Plants

Registration No. 100680

North Vietnam, CropPlants, March 1st, 1962, Michel Nr. 196-200; Five values were issued in the nominals of 2 xu (extension value), 6 xu (intra-city letter rate), 12 xu…

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