
ex Klewitz


Vietnam Day

Registration No. 100250

North Vietnam, Vietnam Day, July 20th, 1959, Michel Nr. 104; A single stamp was issued to commemorate Vietnam-Day. The stamp is perforated 11:0. The 12 xu nominal covered…

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People Sports

Registration No. 100260

North Vietnam, People Sports, September 2nd, 1959, Michel Nr. 105-107; A commemorative set featuring three nominals with 1 Xu, 3 xu and 12 xu was issued to please…

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Registration No. 100290

North Vietnam, Fruits, November 20th, 1959, Michel Nr. 110-112; This stamp set is the first one for Not Vietnam that does not celebrate political or economic subjects but…

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15 Years Peoples Army

Registration No. 100310

North Vietnam, 15 Years Peoples Army, December 22nd, 1959, Michel Nr. 113; A single stamp commemorating the 15th anniversary of the Vietnamese Peoples Army was issue to cover…

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30 Years Communist Party

Registration No. 100320

North Vietnam, 30 Years Communist Party, January 6th, 1960, Michel Nr. 114-115; A set with two stamps was issued to celebrate the 30. anniversary of the Communist Party.…

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Registration No. 100340

North Vietnam, Cencus, February 20th, 1960, Michel Nr. 120-121; Identifying details on the national population became crucial after the war in order to better prioritize economic development under…

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90th Birthday of Lenin

Registration No. 100370

North Vietnam, 90th Birthday of Lenin, April 22nd, 1960, Michel Nr. 125-126, Block 1; Given the logistical and military support the Soviet Union gave to the North Vietnamese…

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