


Bai Thuong Dam

Registration No. 100039

North Vietnam, Bai Thuong Dam, 15.12.1956 (Michel Nr. 50-52);  On occasion of the rebuilding of the Bai Thuong dam in Than Hoa province the postal authorities issued three…

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Nam Ding Textile Mill

Registration No. 100042

North Vietnam, Nam Ding Textile Mill, March 9th, 1957, (Michel Nr. 54-56); With the re-building, after the war with the French ended, larger industrial complexes, such as the…

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Physical Education

Registration No. 100075

North Vietnam, Physical Education, March 8th, 1958, Michel Nr. 70-71; The two stamps issued had the denomination of 150D (domestic letter rate) and 500D (international mail) and they…

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International Labour Day

Registration No. 100080

North Vietnam, International Labour Day, May 1st, 1958, Michel Nr. 72-73; In all communist or socialist countries the International Labour Day was a very important holiday. So the…

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