
Enpreuve de Luxe


Colombo Conference

Registration No. 200190

South Vietnam, Colombo Conference, October 21st, 1957, ;Michel Nr. SVN 140-144; Five stamps in nominals of 20c (Q:1,200,000), 40c (Q:500,000), 50c (Q:500,000), 2D (Q:500,000) and 3D (Q:500,000) and…

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Children’s Day

Registration No. 200220

South Vietnam, Children’s Day, September 27th, 1958, Michel Nr. SVN 155-159; Five stamps in nominals of 30c (Q:1,000,000), 50c (Q:3,000,000), 2D (Q:4,000,000), 3D (Q:2,000,000) and 4D (Q:1,000,000) were…

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3 Years Republic

Registration No. 200230

South Vietnam, 3 Years Republic, October 26th, 1958, Michel Nr. SVN 160-163; Four stamps in nominals of 1D, 2D, 4D and 5D (Q:1,000,000 sets) were issued in perforation…

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Air Mail

Registration No. 200230

South Vietnam, Air Mail, November 21st, 1960, Michel Nr. SVN 223-226; Four stamps in nominals of 1D, 4D, 5D and 10D were issued in perforation 13. Here is…

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Development of Agriculture

Registration No. 200240

South Vietnam, Development of Agriculture, January 3rd, 1961, Michel Nr. SVN 227-230; Four stamps in nominals of 50c, 70c, 80c and 10D (Q:1,000,000 sets) were issued in perforation…

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