



Registration No. 103450

Unified Vietnam, Butterflies, July 30th, 1983, Michel Nr. 1353-1360; Eight stamps with nominals of 30xu (two stamps), 40xu (two stamps), 50xu (two stamps), 60xu and 1 Dong were…

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Registration No. 103500

Unified Vietnam, Mushrooms, October 10th 1984, Michel Nr. 1371-1378; Eight stamps with nominals of 50xu (four stamps), 1D, 2D, 5D and 10D were issued in perforation 12:12.5 and…

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World Food Day

Registration No. 103510

Unified Vietnam, World Food Day, October 30th, 1983, Michel Nr. 1379-1380; Two stamps in nominals of 50xu and 4 Dong were issued in perforation 12.5 and imperforate. Here…

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World Communication Year

Registration No. 103520

Unified Vietnam, World Communication Year, November 1st, 1983, Michel Nr. 1381-1382; Two stamps, both with a 50xu nominal, were issued in perforation 10.75. After the Viet Minh issue…

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