



Registration No. 200550

South Vietnam, Flowers, September 10th, 1965, Michel Nr. SVN 338-342; Five stamps in nominals of 70c, 80c, 1D, 1.50D and 3D were issued in perforation 13. Here is…

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University Education

Registration No. 200560

South Vietnam, University Education, October 15th, 1965, Michel Nr. 343-346; Four stamps in nominals of 50c, 1D, 3D and 7F were issued in perforation 13. Here is the…

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Registration No. 200580

South Vietnam, Sport, December 14th, 1965, Michel Nr. SVN 349-352; Four stamps in nominals of 50c, 1D, 1.50D and 10D were issued in perforation 13. Here is the…

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