Indochina, Domestic Scences II overprinted “Service”, Michel Nr. IND D1-16; Sixteen stamps were overprinted “Service” in order to use them exclusively for the civil service and to prevent…
Indochinese Women overprinted “Service”, Michel Nr. IND D17-32; Sixteen stamps were overprinted “Service” in order to use them exclusively for the civil service and to prevent theft of…
Indochina, 1891 Package Stamp, 1891, Michel Nr. IND PA 1; The general French colony stamp of 10C was overprinted with a three line overprint that was executed in…
Indochina, Postage Due Stamps overprinted with new Values, 1904, Michel Nr. IND P1-4; Four French postage due stamps were overprinted with new values for use in Indochina: 5C…
Indochina, Temple Sculpture I, 1908, Michel Nr. P5-17; Thirteen stamps in nominals of 2C, 4C, 5C, 10C, 15C, 20C, 30C, 40C, 50C, 60C, 1F, 2F and 5F. Here…
Indochina, Temple Sculpture Postage Due Stamps overprinted with new Values, 1919, Michel Nr. IND P18-30; After the French Franc currency was replaced by the Piastre currency the Temple…
Indochina, Temple Sculpture II, 1922, Michel Nr. P31-43; Thirteen stamps in nominals of 2/5C, 4/5C, 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 6C, 8C, 10C, 12C, 20C, 40C and 1P were…
Indochina, Domestic Scences Service Stamps, 1927, Michel Nr. IND P44-56; Thirteen stamps in nominals of 2/5C, 4/5C, 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 6C, 8C, 10C, 12C, 20C, 40C and…
Indochina, Chinese Calligraphy Postage Due Stamps, 1931, Michel Nr. P57-74; Eighteen postage du stamps were issued in nominals of 1/5C, 2/5C, 4/5C, 1C, 2C, 2.5C, 3C. 4C, 5C,…
Indochina, Digit Design, 1943, Michel Nr. P75-83; Nine values in nominals of 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 6C, 10C, 12C, 20C and 30C were issued in perforation 11.5-12 on…
Indochina, International Control Commission, 1957; The International Control Commission was created as a result of the Geneva Accords in order to implement the framework of the agreement that essentially…
Indochina/South East Asia, 1946-1947, War Grave Registration Unit in South East Asia; The history of the U.S. Army War Grave Registration unit goes back to the civil war…
Indochina, Incoming Mail Postal Markings; This section demonstrates postal mail markings that can be found on incoming Indochinese mail. Single franking of an FM perforated 10C French stamp…
On May 10, 1940 Germany invaded France and with such military success that the French Government was forced to sign an armistice with Germany already on June 22nd,…
Indochina, Return of the French to Indochina after World War II; While De Gaulle had initially been rebuffed by the United States in his intention to reclaim colonial…
Indochina, French Military Naval Mail in Indochina during and after World War II; The terrestrial French military postage system was also operational on the high seas. Soldiers could…
Democratic Republic of Vietnam; November 1945/1946; Indochinese stamps with an overprint (Michel Nr. 1-12) After the United States dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th…
The exact date when the second series was issued is not featured in the catalogues. All they state is 1945/1946. The second series is philatelically more interesting as…
Sometimes stamps are offered in auctions that purport to have been prepared for the September 2nd, 1945 Independence Day. The stamps started to appear in the mid 1980’s…
in 1946 the Viet Minh began issuing overprints on Indochinese stamps that had little to do with postal necessities but were more focused on revenue generation. So the…
1946; North Vietnam (Viet Minh) Family Assistance $2.00 (Michel Nr. 27) on 15c*60c brown. Overprint on Indochina Nr. 339. Rare complete sheet. The top right value carries a plate…
The fourth series of overprints served a very similar purpose to the third issue. It was basically a method to collect money from the population in general and…
While many Vietnam collectors are familiar with the extremely rare local Ho Chi Minh stamps issued in South Central Vietnam between 1950-1954, and those stamps (and their forgeries)…
Democratic Republic of of Vietnam; Ho Chi Minh; September 2nd., 1946 (Michel VM Nr.56-60); These were the first stamps entirely designed by the Viet Minh. Prior to 1946…
Once in a while, one will see a set of cinderellas that are made to look like an official stamp set from North Vietnam on offer. The new…
After the “Clash of Hanoi” in December 1946, the Viet Minh were driven out of all major towns as the French took control of them and all important…
Lien Khu IV (Administrative District IV, North Annam) was located just South of Hanoi and ranged roughly until Da Nang in Central Vietnam. Lien Khu V (Administrative District…
North Vietnam; Ho Chi Minh in front of country outline; 1951; (Michel Nr. 4A-6b); Stamps that were a bit more sophisticated than the fairly primitive HCM set from…
Once in a while, a North Vietnamese service stamp that was supposedly not issued by postal authorities comes to market and it is always described as very rare.…
North Vietnam; Production and Thrift, 1953/1955 (Michel Nr. 7-8); Inflation was rampant in North Vietnam in the early to mid 1950’s. As a result the standard letter rate…