Indochina, Indochinese Women with Red Cross Surcharge II, February, 1915-1917, Michel Nr. IND 66-68; Four stamps were overprinted to obtain donations for the Red Cross during World War…
Indochina, Indonesian Women overprinted with new Values, November, 1918, Michel Nr. IND 69-89; The currency used in Indochina and France were not compatible. While Indochina used the Piastre, France…
Indochinese Women overprinted with new values overprinted for use in Tchongking, 1919, Michel Nr. IND 67V-83V; Tchongking was a French treaty port within China that was established after the…
Allegory of Peace overprinted for use in Yunnansen, 1902-1904, Michel Nr. IND 17V-32V; Yunnansen was a French treaty port within China that was established after the Treaty of Whampoa…
Indochinese Women overprinted with new values overprinted for use in Kouang-Tcheou, 1919, Michel Nr. IND 67III-83III; Tchongking was a French treaty port within China that was established after the…
Indochinese Women overprinted with new values overprinted for use in Mongtseu, 1919, Michel Nr. IND 67IV-83IV; Mongtseu was a French treaty port within China that was established after the…
Indochina, Vietnamese Women overprinted with new values and overprinted for use in Yunnan-Fou, 1919, Michel Nr. IND 67VII-83VII; Seventeen values were overprinted as follows: 2/5C on 1C, 4/5C…
Indochina, Orphan Assistance, January, 1919, Michel Nr. IND 90-95; French welfare stamps were overprinted with the word “INDOCHINE” and new values. The following nominals were issued 10C on…
Indochina, Indonesian Women in new colors overprinted with new Values, 1922, Michel Nr. IND 96-101; Six stamps that featured new base colors were overprinted with the new Piastre…
Indochina, Indochinese Women Set in new Values and Colors, April, 1922, Michel Nr. IND 102-122; Indochina finally gave up to issue the local stamps in French Franks but used…
Indochina, Indonesian Women in new Values and Colors overprinted for use in Kouang-Tcheou, November, 1923, Michel Nr. IND 84-104KT; In 1918 the currency of the colony was changed…
Indochina, Domestic Scenes I, September 26th, 1927, Michel Nr. IND 123-146; Twenty-four stamps in nominals of 1/10C, 1/5C, 2/5C, 4/5C, 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C, 6C, 7C, 8C,…
Indochina, Domestic Scenes I overprinted for use in Kouang-Tcheou, September 26th, 1927, Michel Nr. IND 105-128KT; Twenty-four stamps in nominals of 1/10C, 1/5C, 2/5C, 4/5C, 1C, 2C, 3C,…
Indochina, World Exhibition Paris Souvenir-Sheet overprinted for use in Kong-Tcheou, 1937, Michel Nr. 162KT, Block 1; A souvenir-sheet with a nominal value of 30C that was not issued…
Indochina, International Colonial Exhibition overprinted with new Values, April 13th, 1931, Michel Nr. IND 147-149; It is not clear to the editor as to why stamps that were…
Indochina, Domestic Scenes II, November 16th, 1931, Michel Nr. IND 150-183, Thirty-four values in nominals of 1/10C, 1/5C, 2/5C, 1/2C, 4/5C, 1C, 2C, 3C (two values), 4C (three…
Indochina, Domestic Scenes II overprinted for use in Kouang-Tcheou, May 19th, 1937-1941, Michel Nr. IND 129-161KT; Thirty-three stamps in nominals of 1/10C, 1/5C, 2/5C, 1/2C, 4/5C, 1C, 2C,…
Indochina, World Exhibition, Paris Souvenir Sheet overprinted for use in Kouang-Tcheou; Here is the m.n.h. souvenir-sheet Rare mixed franking of the souvenir-sheet together with stamps from the Domestic…
Indochina, Country Defense overprinted for use in Kouang-Tcheou, 1941, Michel Nr. IND 170-172KT; Three stamps in nominals of 10C +10C, 15C + 30C and 25C +10C were overprinted.…
Indochina, Marshall Petain set overprinted Ceurvres and with surcharge further overprinted for Kouang-Tcheou, 1944, Michel Nr. IND 195-196KT; 5C + 15C on 25C and 10C + 25C were…
Indochina, Air Mail Stamps, June 1st, 1933, Michel Nr. IND 184-197; Fourteen stamps in nominals of1C, 2C, 5C, 10C, 15C, 20C, 30C, 36C, 60C, 66C, 1P, 2P, 5P…
Indochina, Kingdom Annam, November 20th, 1936, Michel Nr. IND 198-208; Eleven stamps in nominals of 1C, 2C, 4C, 5C, 10C, 15C, 20C, 30C, 50C, 1P and 2P were…
Indochina, Kingdom Cambodia, November 20th, 1936, Michel Nr. IND 209-219; Eleven stamps in nominals of 1C, 2C, 4C, 5C, 10C, 15C, 20C, 30C, 50C, 1= and 2P were…
Indochina, World Exhibition in Paris, April 15th, 1937, Michel Nr. IND 220-225, Block 1; Six stamps in nominals of 2C, 3C, 4C, 6C, 9C and 15C were issued…
Indochina, Completion of the Trans-Indochinese Railway, June 8th, 1938, Michel Nr. IND 227-230; Four stamps in nominals of 5C, 6C, 18C and 37C were issued in perforation 13.5.…
Indochina, 40th Anniversary of the Discovery of Radium, October 24th, 1938, Michel Nr. 231; A single stamp with a nominal value of 18C and a 5C surcharge was…
Indochina, Air Mail with Inscription of “RF”, 1938-1941, Michel Nr. 232-237; Six stamps in nominals of 11C, 16C, 37C, 39C, 67C and 69C were issued in perforation 13.5.…
Indochina, World Exhibition New York , May 10th, 1939, Michel Nr. IND 238-239; Two stamps with nominals of 13C and 23C were issued in perforation 12.5. Here is…
Indochina, San Francisco Exhibition, June 12th, 1939, Michel Nr. IND 240-243; Four stamps in nominals of 6C, 9C, 23C and 39C were issued in perforation 13. Here is…
Indochina, 150 Year Anniversary of the French Revolution, July 5th, 1939, Michel Nr. IND 244-249; Six stamps with nominals of 6C plus 2C, 7C plus 3C, 9C plus…