North Vietnam, 15 Years of World Union Association, October 3rd, 1960, Michel Nr. 144; A single stamp with a nominal of 12 xu (standard domestic letter rate) was issued to commemorate the event. The stamp was perforated 11:0.

Here is mint a block of four:

It is quite typical for the issue to show a mirror image color adherence to the back of stamps. This was the result of stacking sheets on which the paint was still wet from printing. This so called “color kiss” does not warrant any price increases.

According to the Vietnamese Postage Stamp Catalogue this stamp was not intentionally produced im-perforated, however a few imperforate samples, printed on slightly tanned paper, have come to the market that probably represent trial printings. Rare.

Rare single franking of the stamp on a letter from Hanoi to Czechoslovakia mailed in January of 1961. The standard letter tariff to fellow socialist countries fell to 12 xu as of March 1st, 1960.

Another single franking, this time to the Soviet Union from November of 1960 bearing a single 12xu stamp. Moscow Airprt cachet and Moscow arrival cancel on the reverse.

Here is a very rare letter (ex Klewitz) that features one of the 15 Years World Union stamps. This is the only postally used letter known to the editor that features Block 4 (Souvenir Sheet Nr. 4). The cover carries a mixed currency franking. The 500  Old Dong stamp from 1958 was worth 0.5 New Dong or 50 xu in 1960. This means the registered cover carries an overall franking of 88 xu. Given that the standard letter rate to Western Europe was 50 xu and the registration fee 60 xu, the letter is under-franked by 22 xu. This was however not noticed as the sender had written “CHDC Duc” at the bottom of the address which stood for East Germany. The standard letter rate to east Germany was only 12 xu.  Please note the black hand-stamp “Nguoi gum dan tam lay” (15 Years Democratic Republic).

Registration Nr. 100440

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