South Vietnam, Harvest and Interpol stamps overprinted with a new 25D value, January 1st, 1975, Michel Nr SVN 577-578; The 1D stamps (Michel Nr. 476 and 529) were basically useless as the domestic letter rate already stood at 25D and hence were overprinted to become useful again.
Here is the mint set.
Mint blocks of four.
Single franking of the overprinted Harvest stamp on a domestic air mail letter sent from Binh Tay to Lam Dong in January of 1975.
Single franking of the overprinted Harvest stamp on a domestic air mail letter (full contents preserved) sent from Thu Duc to Saigon in January of 1975.
Single franking of the overprinted Harvest stamp on a domestic letter sent from Da Lat to Saigon in March of 1975.
Single franking of the overprinted Harvest stamp on a domestic letter (full contents preserved) sent from Hoa Thuong to Saigon the end of March of 1975.
Single franking of the overprinted Interpol stamp on a domestic letter sent from Nha Trang to Saigon in 1975.
Single franking of the overprinted Interpol stamp on a domestic letter (full contents preserved) sent from Hue to Saigon in February of 1975.
Mixed franking of the 30D stamp together with stamps from the Interpol, Development Conference and Orchid sets paying an overall postage of 1`35D on an international air mail letter sent from Hue on March 3rd, 1975 to France.
Below is the fabled cover (ex Klewitz) that carries to postal used samples of the 10D Nguyen Van Thieu stamps (the only one known to carry two postally used copies of these stamps) and stamps from the Traditional Vietnamese Theater, Victory at Quang Tri, New Year, Cultural Places, National Development Conference sets plus the various overprinted stamps for an overall postage of 752D on a very rare registered express mail letter sent from Saigon to West Germany in March of 1975. Red Fulda Post Office arrival cachet on front.
Registration Nr. 201470
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